Privacy policy

All items appearing on the website are the property of DESJOYAUX POOLS USA LLC or of third parties that have authorized their publication. They are protected by copyright and articles governing the protection of registered designs. Reproduction, on paper or electronically, of the aforementioned website and the items reproduced therein are authorized provided this is for strictly personal use, excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial purposes, and/or for information.

DESJOYAUX POOLS USA LLC provides no guarantee of the reliability or functioning of this service and accepts no liability for any damage whatsoever, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage, loss of profit or business interruption, which may occur when using this service or which result from the unavailability of this service. Furthermore, DESJOYAUX POOLS USA LLC accepts no responsibility for the content of websites linked directly or indirectly to the website

Collection of personal data
Browsing the website xxxx may result in DESJOYAUX POOLS USA LLC collecting and processing personal data under the conditions and according to the terms set out in the confidentiality policy and the cookie policy.

Confidentiality Policy
On our website, we may collect personal data relating to you:

When you order a catalogue, when you request a quote or a feasibility study, or when you contact us for other reasons. Depending on your request, we collect the data necessary to identify you and to process your request appropriately (surname/first name/address/tel./e-mail address) and, more broadly, all the details needed to process your request.

Some data is essential in order to respond to your request. This is the reason why some information is mandatory: this information is identified as such when you provide us with your data.

When you visit our website, tracking technology is used and data is collected (IP address, connection and browsing data, order history, cookies, location data). For more information in this respect, please read our cookie policy.

Who do we share your data with?
We are the principal recipient of your data. However, please be aware that some of our activities may be subcontracted. In this case, we make use of third parties. Within the framework of our contractual relationships with our subcontractors, we attach particular importance to the security of your data and its use by our contractual partners is strictly limited to the task with which we have entrusted them.

Please be aware that DESJOYAUX POOLS USA LLC never sells the data collected to third parties.

As stated above, we occasionally make use of service providers with which we share some of your personal data to provide the following services:

Hosting, operation and maintenance of the website, managing the customer database, canvassing, business development and targeted marketing, following up requests submitted using a form,

Some information may also be transmitted to our distribution network if one of our partners is involved in your request, in particular in the case of a request for a catalogue or feasibility study. In this case, you are informed of this when we collect your data. These are the only organizations with which we share your personal data. Within the framework of our distribution network and in order to best process your request, we may transfer your data to one of our local dealers, depending on the location you have specified.

We may transmit your data to public authorities where we have a legal obligation to do so.
We pay great attention to the security of your personal data, in particular by: implementing the appropriate organizational and technical security measures and requiring the establishment of adequate security measures by our subcontractors.

Nevertheless, there is no such thing as zero risk, as the internet is not a completely secure environment, and we are unable to guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of your information. Please be aware that, pursuant to the applicable regulations, in the event of a breach of your data, we are fully transparent and obliged to report this to you as soon as we know. Furthermore, in the event of a breach of your data, which may pose a high risk to your rights and freedoms, you will be immediately informed of the incident, its potential consequences and the measures taken to limit these consequences.

We build dream pools that are affordable, low-maintenance, and eco-friendly.
119 US-6,
Mahopac, NY 10541
© Desjoyaux 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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